Yes, I fear this will happen to me one day…

A few years ago, I posted to Facebook about a time when I stopped at a nearby Sheetz to get gas before heading to the radio station. It was an extremely frigid day, and as this was before I was taking meds, the cold weather really affected my tremors. After I pumped gas I went inside with my upper body shaking outwardly. Frankly I looked like I was just freezing. A nearby observer who had no ill will whatsoever, said something like “you must be really cold with this wind”. I responded with the same vain telling him he was 50 percent correct, but that I also had Parkinson’s and, in fact, the cold air was certainly no help.

This gentleman suddenly looked at me in horror, embarrassed that he even said anything. I had reassured him that he was well within the “cone of respect” and not to sweat it. He thanked me and we exchanged a few more kind words before going our ways.

I’ve had a few other instances where I have been some place alone and the tremor caused someone to come over and check on me… all well meaning, right? Yes.

Tonight however, I saw this… I don’t know the man telling the story, but he has experienced one of my biggest fears. Go ahead and watch… I’ll wait.

This poor man. He had to put up with such a jerk on a night when people were there to have fun. It just goes to show you that some people never grow up. I suspect there might have been some adult beverage involvement too. Mr. Choi’s reaction was in fact the correct thing to do. He was certainly the bigger man.

I have yet to deal with any such circumstance, but when I do I hope to have half of the grace Mr. Choi did in his situation.


    • Melissa on May 25, 2022 at 12:04 am

    I know you Eric and I know your character and when you are faced with your greatest bullying you’re going to handle with as much if not more Grace. Prayers and hugs of comfort my dear friend

    You are very brave, kind, funny and humble

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