Chomp… OW!

Another one of the more frustrating features of Parkinson’s is Dyskinesia. Dyskinesia is not really a feature of the disease as much as it is a side effect of taking Carbidopa/Levodopa. There are days when I have to decrease or skip a dose in a day just to stop moving. For me it’s mostly the upper body that wiggles and jiggles if dealing with a severe attack. Sometimes it causes me to lose balance because I am flailing about.

I think, however, I deal with it on a daily basis – particularly at meal times. At times I feel close to normal while at others, I feel as though I need someone to feed me. The sloppier the meal, the more anxious I seem to get because I am trying to keep it from suffering from gravitational pull before it reaches my mouth!

The worst that has happened… and it happens on an on-again-off-again basis – is I’ve found out how sharp my teeth really are. How sharp they are on my lips, tongue (top and bottom), and the insides of my cheeks. The sudden jolt it gives me makes me angry. Not only does it hurt, it seems everyone at the table notices and it brings me panic, more anxiety and outright rage. Eating a meal shouldn’t have to hurt so much. Thank heavens Colgate-Palmolive makes Peroxyl. Without it, the interior of my mouth would look like a war zone!

“Eric, have you tried taking smaller bites; have you tried eating softer foods…” Blah-blah-blah.. Yes I try to take smaller bites, but I will not give up eating what I like to eat – hard or soft. But just understand if you see me break up a taco, or cut a tiny piece of meat that I am doing my best to keep my pearly daggers from bludgeoning the softer parts of my mouth.


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