Not(?) Stirred…

No doubt you picked up on the cute pun that normally refers to a mixed drink. Most people prefer theirs shaken rather than using a spoon to stir it. (Don’t blame them.)

Frankly I have joked about this since my diagnosis. It eases the tension in the room when someone new enters the situation and wonders just what the heck is going on with me. Humor goes a long way when you deal with such things.

Truth is, however, that I am sometimes very stirred up by this disease. It’s unpredictable and often frustrating. So, sometimes I let it have its say and take a day or two to rest. But seeing the broader picture, I don’t let this disease define me nor do I let it have complete control over me, and that’s why I can throw jokes in your direction and not think a thing of it.

The idea for this blog stemmed from a project (here comes the sales pitch) that my “partner-in-crime”, Annie put together for me recently. Please feel free to browse the Eric’s Avengers online store. Anything “Eric’s Avengers” is an Annie design. The PBRTV merchandise is designed by yours truly. Proceeds from all sales will help me make some major repairs at the PBRTV World HQ. (End of pitch).

The idea for this blog popped into my head the other night and based on the t-shirt sale project! I promise you that it won’t just be about me (please!). But I hope to use this to share my story, add some insight, and share PD related items of interest for you to read and see.

Stay tuned… next post will be about the process of my diagnosis – a story to some; helpful advice to others!


    • Martha on April 29, 2021 at 9:45 pm

    I’m glad you’re blogging. I always enjoy your posts on Facebook. Go Eric!!

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