WBVP & WMBA Complete Studio Move

June 17, 2023 Off By Ken Hawk

Beaver County Radio general manager Frank Sparks with Dawn Savage of the Dawn Savage band. The stations kicked off their recent studio move in a Saturday event outside of their new studios and offices. Photo credit: Beaver County Radio.

Beaver County’s two radio stations signed off from their longtime studios in Beaver Falls for the last time Thursday.

At 3:56pm, producer Keith Walsh signed off the studios at 1316 Seventh Avenue, with program control being assumed by the stations’ new location at 4701 Dutch Ridge Road in Brighton Township.

Officials from St. Barnabas Broadcasting held a special grand opening event at the new studio location Saturday, complete with a car cruise, food trucks, and live music.

Frank Sparks, general manager of Beaver County Radio, said to expect the car cruises monthly throughout the summer.

“We’re going to have four car cruises altogether,” said Sparks. “There’s going to be three more coming up (in July, August and September).”

Among those in attendance, was John Curtaccio, chairman of the Brighton Township board of supervisors, who welcomed the stations to Brighton Township. Beaver County Commissioner Jack Manning also spoke briefly on the history making move.

“I’m really excited about this,” said Manning. “My appreciation for Beaver County Radio and St. Barnabas holds no boundaries. As a resident and commissioner, I couldn’t be more excited and pleased and proud to have them part of Beaver County.”

William V. Day, CEO and President of St. Barnabas Broadcasting, praised local officials for efforts in building Beaver County.

“It’s wonderful to be here with the people who have made the county what it is,” said Day. “I’m just happy to be a part of it. I God bless all of you for your support.”

Day’s remarks were followed by an invocation and singing of the National Anthem by Dawn Savage, whose band provided live music for the event.

“This is community, and this is what it’s about,” said Savage. “I’m so excited to see the future of Beaver County Radio.”