New FM Page up; other notes

October 9, 2024 5 By Eric O'Brien

With PBRTV about to complete its 26th year on the internet in some way shape or form, I am considering new ways to present old information. In many cases, I’m not only “considering” but also just going ahead and making it happen! A few weeks ago I presented you with a new version of the Pittsburgh Area AM Stations. This has actually combined about 3 pages of information into one!

Now, the new Pittsburgh Area FM Stations page is up. As I work on things like this, I come to realize there are other things I can do… and probably will do… over time. Right now the priority is getting the information in the same place.

You will also notice, just like the AM Stations Page, a good bit of the information still needs to be updated. It will be done as time allows. In fact I am thinking I may even change it from paragraph form to bullet points thereby making it easier to update. And since most people have the attention of a gnat nowadays… need I say more? Anyway, having it in all one place will make it a lot easier to update!

I will also be (TEMPORARILY) pulling down the surrounding market pages (Wheeling, Erie, etc.) so I can work on them in depth to determine how I want to approach those pages in the long run.

While I know the world seems to be addicted to Facebook and other social media, I still believe one can have a website where he/she can have human-written information not contested by “AI”, and where, if such technology IS ever involved, this human can override it! (I recently asked Chat GPT about the history of WJAS, for example. I got a mix of semi-accurate information. I can say it got “A radio station the City of Pittsburgh” right…

Well anyhow, look for more improvements as we head into our 27th year on October 21!

Oh! And I am putting my foot down on something that is particularly important this year – especially with a pretty hot presidential election and the ,”issue” surrounding the reorganization of Audacy. There will be no place for political debate on this website! Please. Thank you. You can argue elsewhere… in fact on most websites and Facebook comment pages. I have no time to referee for people who want to argue how their “side” is correct about everything and the other is just… stupid.

Is this censorship? No. It’s called, “THIS IS NOT OUR FORMAT. TAKE IT OUTSIDE! “.

Thank you for reading my Eric Post.