Musings: The Weather

April 24, 2007 Off By Eric O'Brien

When the 11:00 news came on that night, the lead-in talked about the heavy storms in northern Butler and Mercer Counties and there was also a promo for the highlights from “Dancing with the Stars” – not a common news feature.

When the time came in the newscast came for this feature, anchors Wendy Bell and Mike Clark began the segment off something like this.

Mike: Well by now you know that the severe weather caused us to break in during “Dancing With the Stars”

Wendy: Yes, when the National Weather Service issues a weather warning we are obligated to bring that information to you.

BINGO! “We are OBLIGATED to bring that information to you!” And why is that? Because Radio and TV stations are first and foremost sources of information! Glory Glory Hallelujah! But wait…there’s more…

Again, I didn’t see the interruption to know what all took place. However, I’m willing to bet that much of “DWTS” was overshadowed by the severe weather report. Look, if the TV stations are “overblowing” these interruptions with field reporting and so forth, be grateful. The storm, in this case a possible tornado, may not come to your neighborhood, but the station is obligated to alert anyone who is watching that there is indeed a storm approaching – especially if it comes with a severe history. Personally, I’d rather be prepared than sorry later.

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I am almost willing to bet that in this week’s Post-Gazette Q&A Column where Rob Owen answers the emails of TV viewers, someone is going to ask something like, “Will WTAE ever re-air the ‘Dancing with the Stars’ that they so RUDELY interrupted on Monday night?” Or better yet, “Why does WTAE feel they have to interrupt our favorite programming to tell us about a storm in Mercer County?” I missed the show and the interruption, but I can probably piece it together from the clues in the 11:00 newscast.