Can you ID this anchor?
January 27, 2021Alert reader Bruce chimed in the other day…
There is a relatively famous picture of KDKA-TV’s news studio published in RCA Broadcast News. There is some question about the identity of the newscaster shown in the photo. Some think it is Bill Burns, but I have my doubts. I thought your readers might be able to help identify this newscaster.
For Reference
Later Bruce sent the following…

Between the suggestions of Bill Burns and Al McDowell, I don’t think it’s either one. Bruce seems to think it might have been a weekender or a staff member from KD radio filling in one day. The picture is from 1967.
If you know who it is, please let us know!
Carl Ide comes to mind, but the image is somewhat degraded.:)
Yes, admittedly the picture is degraded, but was enlarged to at least give a little bit better view. I’m thinking that Carl Ide was still at WTAE in 1967 with Dave Murray and/or Ed Conway since the Long/DeNardo/(eventually) Cannon wouldn’t have started until 1969.
I think it was John Reed King. He was a staff announcer at KD during the 60s
As I recall, I believe Carl Ide wore a dark patch over one eye, so I doubt that it’s him.
We’ve had several votes for John Reed King on our various platforms… so we’re rolling with it.