Author: Eric O'Brien

March 27, 2017 Off

Thank you!

By Eric O'Brien

We have our first contribution to our 2017 pledge campaign! I am grateful to the first Anonymous donor who says,…

March 23, 2017 Off


By Eric O'Brien

iHeart takes the top 3 spots in February… WDVE (102.5), WWSW (94.5), and WKST (96.1) top the list. WRRK (96.9)…

March 20, 2017 Off

Sheridan sued

By Eric O'Brien

Tom Taylor reports today that while Sheridan Broadcasting is winding down its dispute with AURN, the company is now being…

March 14, 2017 Off

Things we missed

By Eric O'Brien

It’s not unusual for the PBRTV World HQ to experience some busy times and sometimes we miss a few things.…

March 13, 2017 Off

Dunlap featured

By Eric O'Brien

Photographer John Altdorfer and writer Kate Benz did a great piece on former WSHH airstaffer, Dan Dunlap. Since Dunlap was…