Any collectors out there?!

June 24, 2024 2 By Eric O'Brien

A PBRTV reader has approached me with a unique request. Do we have any collectors out there who visit this website? Or perhaps a repair person in their waning years looking for something to make the “ole toy” work one more time?

Eric, Hope all is well. I’m not sure if this is appropriate for your FB page, but I have a high school classmate who found boxes of radio and TV tubes while cleaning out her folks’ home in Murrysville. Wanted to know if anyone wanted them before she pitches them. – Bill

We’d love to help connect the right person to these devices, but it looks like time is of the essance. If you have any interest, please email me – or call me 412-695-3428 as soon as possible and I will put Bill in touch with you.