And… it happened again…

June 18, 2024 Off By Eric O'Brien

So the Facebook Bot is at it again, and while it still says I am a poster in “good standing”, I think it may be time to take a break from the PBRTV Facebook page…. although I would like to keep “testing the waters” until Meta tells me what I’m doing wrong! I do, however, fear that it might damage another page I created (long before the PBRTV Page) and continue to manage. It might be some sort of bug in their system. Who knows?

I know many of you in “the business” (by which I mean “the industry” – quote nod: Dan Dunlap) have experienced this or similar as well.

I do not believe I am being stifled by any means. I do think there is a glitch in the system that our friends at Meta either have not figured out, or have no desire to figure out. Hell, they know more than we do about technology, right? We’re just using this for free. All I ask is for a descriptive explanation of what the hell I’m doing wrong and I’ll fix it! (Ironically, both posts that have been tagged mention KDKA-TV? Even odder!!)

So as we take a bit of a break from the PBRTV page on Facebook, please note you can find us on Meta’s newest platform, “Threads” (where they don’t seem to have any issue). You can also find us on Twitt… er… uh “X” (the owl?). You can find us on both platforms as “PBRTV”.

You can also do what nearly 200 readers of PBRTV have done… subscribe to the posts. That way, if you only occasionally surf the web, you won’t miss a post when it happens. You may enter your email address in the box at the bottom of the website. (For those of you on computer screens it’ll be in the right hand bottom corner. For those of you mobile users… just scroll to the bottom of the page.

Again, I will be conducting some tests on the Facebook page, until I can determine what isn’t going to set their Phony Brain (AKA “Artificial Intelligence”) into a tail spin and why I’m a target of such when I’m not doing anything deceptive!

At 47 1/2 I may be getting “too old for this”.